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YouTube Channels you SHOULD subscribe to (Pt. 1)

Writer: KYUEM Student CouncilKYUEM Student Council

Hey folks! Considering how everyone is now tasked with self-learning, assisted by the ever enjoyable online learning experience, we thought it'd be an appropriate time for you guys to get to know some YouTube channels that might contribute something of value to your studying and ease the process of digesting new information. With that being said, let's dive right in!

To visit the sites, just click the pictures provided and you will be redirected to their respective homepage.


Double Mathematics

1. Khan Academy

It goes without saying that Khan Academy is an absolute gem for anyone who wants to learn anything for free online. This of course encapsulates those who find themselves struggling to understand a particularly complex Mathematics concepts. While they do not have a specially curated video series for A-Level Syllabus, they have videos on just about any topics that you may encounter when studying for A-Levels. Khan Academy's videos are also very clearly explained and they give challenging examples after the explaination so that their students can better grasp the methods to apply a certain formula in a problem set. This ensures the students are well equipped with the answering skills necessary before they attempt to solve problem sets themselves.

You can use this for virtually any subject so it won't be repeated throughout the post.

2. Free Lessons for CIE A-level Maths 9709

This channel is specially curated to A-Level syllabus and it provides worked solutions with clear explaination for many past year papers. The next time you're stumped by an exceptionally complex quesion, definitely give this channel and try. With luck, you'll be able to find the worked solution for that very question and hence help you avoid the lie you tell yourself whenever you can't solve a problem set : I'll come back to this later.


1. Damien Seo

If you're taking Physics, there's a 9/10 chance that you're lugging around a big bulky Physics Topical Past Year Question book with a huge "SEO" watermark printed diagonally across each page. That's Mr Seo, a lecturer from Taylors College and he has a YouTube channel where he uploads his recorded lectures. His explainations are very clear and easy to understand and it's incredibly useful for students to use to consolidate new concepts. We do advise you to have a pen and paper ready so that you can jot down notes.


1. EconsplusDal

This guy needs no introduction as he is the go-to-guy for any A-Level Economics students. He gives in-depth explaination for economics concepts and gives practical examples to students so they can understand how these concepts work in real life. He also constantly does judgement and evaluation throughout his lessons, which is a skill that economic students are required to have to bag those top essay scores. However, he speaks quite fast and occasionally, students may need to rewind the video to really understand and take notes of his explainaitions.

2. Enhance Tuition

This channel focuses on providing basic explainations of new economic concepts and gives suitable explainations as well. His videos are specially curated for the A-Level Syllabus and are sorted into playlists on his channels which gives students a much better user experience. He speaks at a steady pace and his videos are presentation slides instead of a video of himself talking, which eases the process of taking notes. However, his explainations are very basic and he does not provide in-depth evaluation of the concepts he provides. This would suffice if you wanted to understand the concepts and bash through some MCQs but you would be pushing your luck if you decide to write a 25 marks essay solely based on his explainations and examples.

3. Tutor 2 U

This channel is also very useful for A-Level students as they provide solid explainations for microeconomics and macroeconomics concepts and their videos are also presentation slides. They have specially curated playlists for A-Levels and they even sort them into MCQ videos, essay videos, economic analysis videos, and economic statistics videos. Consider this a blend of EconsplusDal and Enhance Tuition and you can't go wrong with the best of both worlds.


That brings us to the end of this blog post. Rest assured, there are more blog posts coming up for Geography, History, Chemistry and other subjects. If you have other suggestions that we missed out on, please to contact us and let us know so that we can share it with the student population. With that, thank you for reading the blog and that's a wrap!

Vox Populi, Vox Dei.


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