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As a full-boarding establishment, we encourage students to participate in various College-level activities. KYUEM emphasizes teamwork and co-operation, and gives students a sense of belonging in a supportive and secure environment where identity and sense of pride are empowered beyond progressive academic performance.
The Houses provide positive competition and help with bonding between students and teachers. Students compete in a number of sports and curricular, academic and cultural activities for points such as KY Sports Carnival, Bangsawan Night and KY Kaigi. Each term, the winning House receives the House trophy and extra budget allocation for the following year.
The House system is an essential and vibrant part of the College and aims to help new students adapt to the culture of KYUEM. In addition, this system is designed to reflect and enhance the values of Kolej Yayasan UEM and provide the students a feeling of a one big family community in a setting comparable to home.
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