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Writer: KYUEM Student CouncilKYUEM Student Council

Hey folks!

Welcome the KYUEM Student Council Blog, where we write short reads that you can browse through on your way to class, skim through while waiting for your waffle in the cafe, or flip through when you're waiting for your free block to end.

The content that we write mainly surrounds the latest happenings in the college, Student Life Hacks we've picked up to survive in the jungle, productivity, motivation, mental health and the occasional self-growth section.

To help you conveniently navigate through our blog and provide you a better reader experience, we took the liberty of tagging each blog post under a particular category so that you need not waste precious time reading posts that do not interest you. Below are elaborations of each category:-

Start here

The only post that is tagged under this category is this post. In the spirit of productivity, it's important that we do things efficiently. This posts takes a mere 5 minutes to read but will prove useful if you will be reading the blog often.

Use when: First visiting the blog.

College Events

This category consists of blog posts that report the latest happenings around the college. All major events will be narrated in detail and there will be a gallery of pictures attached for each event (if available).

Use when: You want to take a stroll down memory lane and look back at the events you participated in. (Even after you leave college)

Student Life Hacks

This category helps incoming juniors to pick up on all the Student Life Hacks that their seniors have picked up over the years. Alternatively, seniors can contact us and provide submissions of Student Life Hacks and let us know if you want your submissions to be linked back to you!

Use when: You want to pick up on Student Life Hacks and survive the jungle.

KY Noticias Submissions

Posts tagged under this category are brought to you by KY Noticias. These includes students submissions of a fixed theme and can be of a wide array of genres.

Use when: You want to read submissions by KY Noticias.


We tag this category on posts that surrounds the topic of productivity. This includes apps that you can download, podcasts to listen to, articles you can read and habits you can pick up to do the right things more efficiently and lead a more organized and fulfilled life.

Use when: You want some tips to get your life in order and require that activation energy to boost your productivity as a student.


Posts under this category are meant to give you that rush of adrenaline and a boost of confidence that we all require once in a while to stop being a complete wasteman and enter the hustle zone.

Use when: You have completely lost the will to do any work and need more than sheer will to power through the day and get some work done.


This category is not meant for a quick read as it consists of posts that require one to ponder and mull on to get something of value out of it.

Use when: You want something thought-provoking and some food for thought.


Posts under this category help you to ensure your stress levels stay in healthy regions despite the hectic KY lifestyle and the pressure you feel to perform. There will be occasional submission from KY Peer Support Group and they will be tagged on posts of such nature.

Use when: You are facing immense stress and need some reassurance. It works as an independent way to take care of your mental health but if you feel the need for external assistance, our Peer Support Group is always there for you!


Posts under this category are interviews conducted with selected students around the college to allow them to share the experiences they've been privilege enough to have. We hope this provide insights and inspirations to students.

Use when: You want insights from seniors who had the chance to join programmes and gain experiences that are not available for everyone. You can also contact us for students that you would like to gain insights from so that we can get in touch with them.

Recommended Reads

Posts tagged under this category are books, podcasts, article, videos or platforms that might be useful for developing young adults and we hope they may bring value to your life and you can gain novel insights.

Use when; You want recommended inputs for your intellectual consumption.


That covers all the categories that we tag our posts under. We hope this brings you a more delightful reader experience. Thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon! Till then, that's a wrap!

Vox Populi, Vox Dei.


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